Understanding Wrongful Death and Survivorship Claims in New Jersey

Related Attorney: Timothy E. Dinan

November 9, 2023Understanding Wrongful Death and Survivorship Claims in New Jersey

In New Jersey, two distinct legal actions can arise when a loved one passes away due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party. It's important to differentiate between wrongful death and survivorship claims.

Wrongful Death Claim

This claim exists because of a statute passed by the legislature and is pretty limited in what can be recovered. A wrongful death claim is initiated on behalf of the deceased person's surviving family members. This type of claim seeks compensation for the losses and suffering the family has experienced due to the death. These losses can include funeral expenses, and lost financial support. It does not compensate the family for the pain of losing the loved one.

Important things to remember:

1. The death must be caused by the negligence or wrongful actions of another party.

2. Eligible family members, such as spouses, children or parents, can bring this claim.

3. Damages are typically meant to compensate the family, not the estate of the deceased.

Survivorship Claim

A survivorship claim is not statutory and has existed in our system for years. It is distinct from a wrongful death claim. It focuses on the injuries and suffering experienced by the deceased person before their passing. Because the claim existed before the deceased died, the claim belongs to the estate of the deceased person and it is the executor or administrator of the estate who pursues the legal action for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the estate.

Important things to remember:

1. Survivorship claims seek compensation for the pain, suffering and other damages the deceased incurred before their death.

2. The claim is brought by the estate of the deceased on their behalf.

3. It doesn't address the monetary losses of the surviving family members.

In summary, understanding the difference between wrongful death and survivorship claims in New Jersey is crucial when dealing with the loss of a loved one. Wrongful death claims aim to compensate the family for their losses, while survivorship claims address the personal suffering of the deceased person. Both serve different purposes under the law, but, unfortunately, neither compensates a family member for the pain they experience from losing a loved one from someone else’s negligence.

Questions? Contact Tim Dinan at tdinan@lcrlaw.com, or (973) 729-1880.

See our previous blog post 