What Are the Types of PIP Insurance?

Related Attorney: Timothy E. Dinan

July 26, 2023What Are the Types of PIP Insurance?

In the context of auto insurance, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is a type of insurance that provides medical expense coverage and certain other benefits for injuries sustained in an auto accident, regardless of fault. The specific types of PIP insurance coverage can vary depending on the state and insurance policy. However, here are some common types of PIP insurance coverage:

  • Medical Expenses: PIP coverage typically includes medical expense coverage, which pays for reasonable and necessary medical treatment related to the accident. This can include hospitalization, surgery, doctor visits, medication, rehabilitation, and other healthcare services.
  • Lost Wages: PIP coverage may provide reimbursement for a portion of the wages or income you lose due to injuries sustained in an accident. The coverage usually has a maximum limit or a specific percentage of your pre-accident income.
  • Essential Services: PIP coverage may reimburse you for the costs of hiring someone to perform essential household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, or childcare, if you are unable to do them due to your injuries.
  • Funeral Costs: In the unfortunate event of a fatal accident, PIP coverage may include benefits to cover funeral expenses, burial costs, or related services.
  • Death Benefits: In cases where the accident results in death, PIP coverage may provide death benefits to the surviving family members, including a spouse, children, or dependents.

It is important to note that the availability and specific limits of PIP coverage can vary from state to state. Some states have mandatory PIP coverage requirements, while others offer it as an optional add-on to auto insurance policies. If you’re from another state and are in an accident and receive treatment in New Jersey, you may have PIP coverage available, even if you didn’t select it in your policy. Additionally, the coverage limits and conditions may differ depending on the insurance policy and any optional endorsements chosen.

PIP can also be made secondary to your private health insurance. This option typically results in lower premiums, but can be very expensive if you need extensive treatment following an accident. If you are considering this option, be sure to check that your primary insurer allows PIP to be secondary – some don’t.

When purchasing auto insurance, it is recommended to review the policy terms and consult with an insurance agent to understand the specific types and limits of PIP coverage available to you.